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IIT Kanpur to hold Separate Entrance

In a clear revolt against the human resorce development ministry's move for a common entrance test, The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur friday decided that to hold its own entrance test from 2013.

Upset with the ministry's decission to merge IIT Joint Entrance Exam (IIT-JEE) with the All India Entrance Examination (AIEEE), the 210- member senate of IIT-Kanpur passed a resolution rejecting the new format.

"The recent IIT Council proposal on admissions to IITs is academically and methodically unsound and in violation of the Institutes of Technology Act (1961) and IIT Kanpur Ordinances (Ordinance 3.2 (Admission),' said the resolution.

"In view of the senate resolution adopted in its 2011-12/9th meeting heald on April 10,2012, invoking ordinance3.2, the Senate resolves that IIT Kanpur will conduct the entrance examination for admissions to its undergraduate programmes in 2013."

IITs have been holding a joint entrance exam. However, the new format combines it with the entrance exam for the National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and the Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs). It also includes a weightage of percentage from Class 12 board exams for entrance into IITs.

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